Auto Chock Restraint
        Dock Bumper
        Dock Door
        Dock Lights
        Dock Safety Equipments
        Dock Seal
        Dockleveler Airbag
        Dockleveler Mechanical
        Dockleveler Pit Construction Details
        Dockleveler Hydraulic
        Edge Of Dockleveler
        Elevating Dock



Traffic lights can be installed to increase safety during loading and unloading. They can be linked to the position of the docking door. When the latter is opened, the red light goes on, indicating the truck must not drive away. In situations with shelters at road level (i.e. without a dock) the light can be linked to a sensor, to act as a stop sign for the driver. The lenses are made of colourfast polycarbonate, and are 210 mm diameter. the lights can be adjusted to suit using the serrations in the housing and the support brackets.

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        Lift Table
        Pallet Truck
        Sentry Safety Gate
        Star Truk Stop
        Traffic Light
        Vertical Storing Dock
        Wheel Chock
        Wheel Guides